Preparing for the ESRI Certification

Preparing for the ESRI Certification


2 min read

In my case ArcGIS JavaScript API Specialty Certification, but suitable for every ESRI certification.

I am planning to take this one for a longgggg…. time. But things didn’t work out as I am always “doing something”. I had started preparing now and the following is the plan that worked for me:

  1. Fix a date – because if you’re thinking that I’ll book an appointment once I am completely prepared. Trust me, that day won’t come for another year.

  2. Spend at least an hour daily coding using ArcGIS JavaScript API – this is the one we need basically, because as a developer we may not work daily basis on your GIS part of the app

  3. Don’t over prepare - 2-4 weeks of preparation is enough if you’re using the API on a day-to-day basis

Brush your skill on ArcGIS Online and Portal, because these are integrated and questions will come on this part also

Read the documentation and have clarity about the best practices. Like, when to use OAuth and when to use Token authentication and all.

I already had attended two exams before ArcGIS Desktop Associate and Esri Web Developer Associate. I had a fair idea of how these questions will be:

  1. Every question will be ArcGIS Product centric, and will not use common GIS terms

  2. All answers will look alike or a minimum 2 of them will be correct

  3. You have to choose the best out of the correct one, bit tricky? yeah..

So mostly we can summarize these exams as:

  • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

  • Make sure you are code daily, at least a month before the exam

  • Wish for luck, because to choose one out of the three best answers you need one.

I have scheduled my exam next weekend. On finishing it I'll update if it is either good or bad.